How to Connect Fire TV Stick to Bluetooth Speaker

Last updated: Apr 26, 2022

Through this article you will learn how to connect any Bluetooth Speaker to your Fire TV Stick. Once you follow the procedure explained here step-by-step you will be able to use your Amazon Fire Stick to stream videos, shows, movies, and music on your desired Bluetooth Speakers.

Step 1: Select Settings on your Fire Stick Menu

Once you have plugged and turned on your television as well as your Fire Stick, toggle to the Settings option on Fire Stick TV Menu. Press the Home button on your remote control to go to the Home Screen menu if you are not there already. The Home Button is the button in the shape of a little hut. Then, use the directional buttons to toggle to the very top of the Home Screen. There you will find the settings option on the far-right of the options at the top of your screen. 

Step 1: Select Settings on your Fire Stick Menu

Step 2: Select the ‘Controllers and Bluetooth Devices’ option

Once you have clicked on the Settings option on the Home Screen on your Fire Stick TV menu a list of different options will open up and you will find an option that reads “Controllers and Bluetooth Devices.” It is usually the fifth option on the list, but it may vary from device to device.

Step 2: Select the ‘Controllers and Bluetooth Devices’ option

Step 3: Select Other Bluetooth Devices

There you will see the option ‘Other Bluetooth Devices.’ This is the option where you can add your Bluetooth Device.

Step 3: Select Other Bluetooth Devices

Step 4: Click on Add Bluetooth Devices

click on add Bluetooth devices, this will start searching for the Bluetooth devices.

Step 4: Click on Add Bluetooth Devices

Step 5: Put your Bluetooth Speakers in Pairing Mode

It does not matter what Bluetooth device you have, to pair any of your Bluetooth Device to any other device you would have to put the former one in Bluetooth Pairing Mode. Usually, to put a Bluetooth Device into Bluetooth Pairing Mode, you can just press the power button for a few seconds and then the device would enter into Bluetooth Pairing Mode. If this does not put the device into the Bluetooth Device, you can refer to the device’s manual that came up with your Bluetooth Speaker to follow the instructions to put it into the Bluetooth Pairing Mode. 

Step 5: Put your Bluetooth Speakers in Pairing Mode

Step 6: Select Your Bluetooth Speaker from the List

After you have put your Bluetooth Speaker into Bluetooth Pairing Mode this is the final step to pair your device. Now that you have put your Bluetooth Speaker into Pairing Mode your speaker will start broadcasting signals and you can see your Bluetooth Speaker on the list of discoverable devices. Select your speaker from the list of devices that is shown on the discoverable list and then your speaker and Fire TV will start pairing. After a few seconds your speaker will be paired and you can see on the screen that your speaker has been paired to your Fire Stick TV.

You can now toggle back to the main menu and start using the Fire Stick TV as usual. Only now, the sound will be playing from your Bluetooth Speaker.

Step 6: Select Your Bluetooth Speaker from the List


As you can see, connecting your Bluetooth Device to your Fire Stick TV is a pretty straightforward and simple procedure. You can also connect any other Bluetooth Device to your Fire Stick TV the same way your Bluetooth Speaker. I hope that this article helped with the steps and explained the procedure simply and effectively. Do let us know in the comments below what you liked about the article, and if you had anything else to add to this article. Also, if you liked this article then also tell your friends about this. Adios.

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