How to Fix Echo Show Keeps Turning Off

The Echo Show, with its large display and advanced camera features, is an ideal smart assistant. It is simple to use, especially for those who are familiar with Alexa devices. It excels in video playback, weather updates, smart home device control, video calls, and more. Although it is convenient and simple to use, there are some common issues that users may run into. The most common one is the “Echo Show Screen Timeout.” So, in this article, we will go over a few solutions in detail so you can try to solve this problem!

Check for Software Updates

Step 1: Go to Settings

  • Wake up your Echo Show device by saying “Alexa” or manually by touching the screen.
  • Swipe down from the top of the Echo Show screen to open the quick settings menu.
  • In the quick settings menu, you will find the “Settings” option, tap on it.

Step 2: Device Options

  • In the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Device Options” and tap on it.
  • This will open a new menu where you can access various options related to your device.

Step 3: Check for Software updates

  • In the Device Options menu, scroll down until you find the “Check for Software Updates” option and tap on it.
  • Your Echo Show will now check for any available software updates. 
  • If an update is available, your device will download and install it automatically. 
  • This process may take a few minutes and your device may restart during this process.

Note: Remember, keeping your device’s software up to date is crucial for its performance and security. It’s recommended to regularly check for software updates to ensure your Echo Show is running the latest version. If your Echo Show is frequently turning off, outdated software could be one of the causes.

Check for Software Updates

Check the Power Adapter

Step 1: Unplug the Power Adapter

  • First, unplug the power adapter from the wall outlet and from the Echo Show device. This is to ensure safety while you inspect the adapter.

Step 2: Check the Power Adapter

  • Now, carefully check for wear and tear on the power adapter. 
  • Check for any visible physical damage on the adapter, such as cracks, bent prongs, or frayed wires. 
  • Also, check if the adapter is overheating, as this could be a sign of a defective adapter.

Step 3: Plug the Power Adapter Back In

  • If everything looks good and there are no visible signs of damage, plug the power adapter back into the wall outlet and the Echo Show device. 
  • Make sure the connections are secure.

Step 4: Try a Different Power Adapter

  • If you have another power adapter that is compatible with your Echo Show, try using that one. 
  • This can help you determine if the issue is with the power adapter or the device itself.

Note: Remember that using a faulty power adapter will not only cause your Echo Show to keep turning off, but it may also damage the device or pose a safety risk. As a result, if you suspect that your power adapter is faulty, it is best to replace it with a new one.

Check for Power Adapter Issues

Check for Wi-Fi Connection

Step 1: Check Wi-Fi Connection

  • Wake up your Echo Show device by saying “Alexa” or manually by touching the screen.
  • Swipe down from the top of the Echo Show screen to open the quick settings menu.
  • In the quick settings menu, you will find the “Wi-Fi” option, tap on it.
  • This will open a new menu where you can see the Wi-Fi networks available. Check if your Echo Show is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.
Check for Wifi Connection Issues

Check for Overheating Issues

Step 1: Check for Overheating

  • First, touch your Echo Show device to see if it feels hot. If it’s warm, that’s normal. But if it’s hot to the touch, it might be overheating.
  • Overheating can cause your Echo Show to turn off as a safety measure to prevent damage to the device.

Step 2: Place in a Well-Ventilated Area

  • Make sure your Echo Show is placed in a well-ventilated area. Avoid placing it near heat sources like radiators, stoves, or in direct sunlight.
  • Ensure there’s enough space around the device for air to circulate. This helps to keep the device cool.

Step 3: Avoid Covering the Device

  • Avoid covering your Echo Show with objects like books, clothes, or other items that could trap heat. This can cause the device to overheat.
  • Also, avoid using the device while it’s covered or enclosed in a tight space.

Step 4: Allow the Device to Cool Down

  • If your Echo Show is overheating, unplug it and allow it to cool down before using it again. This can help prevent damage to the device.
Check for Overheaing Issues in Echo Show

Factory Reset your Echo Show

Step 1: Go to Settings

  • Wake up your Echo Show device by saying “Alexa” or manually by touching the screen.
  • Swipe down from the top of the Echo Show screen to open the quick settings menu.
  • In the quick settings menu, you will find the “Settings” option, tap on it.

Step 2: Device Options

  • In the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Device Options” and tap on it.
  • This will open a new menu where you can access various options related to your device.

Step 3: Reset to Factory Defaults

  • In the Device Options menu, scroll down until you find the “Reset to Factory Defaults” option and tap on it.
  • A warning will appear, informing you that this will remove all personal content from the device. If you’re sure you want to reset your Echo Show, tap “Reset”.

Note: Please note that resetting your Echo Show will erase all your personal information and settings from the device. So, remember, resetting your device should be your last resort if all other troubleshooting steps fail to resolve the issue. If your Echo Show keeps turning off, resetting the device might resolve the issue.

Factory Reset your Echo Show

Contact Amazon Customer Support

Link to contact Amazon Echo Show customer Support

Step 1: Identify Defect

  • Thoroughly examine and confirm the presence of a manufacturing defect in the device, ensuring it is not caused by normal wear and tear.

Step 2: Request Refund

  • Clearly communicate to the seller or manufacturer that you are seeking a refund due to the identified manufacturing defect. Provide specific details about the issue to strengthen your case.

Step 3: Emphasize Faulty Condition

  • Reinforce your request by emphasizing that the device was received in a defective state, underlining the manufacturer’s responsibility for delivering a fully functional product.
Contact Customer Support for Echo Show

Additional Tips To Help Prevent Your Echo Show From Turning Off Unexpectedly

  • Keep your Echo Show out of direct sunlight and away from hot environments to prevent overheating.
  • To allow for proper heat dissipation, make sure the vents on the back of your Echo Show are not blocked.
  • Keep your Echo Show at least a foot away from other electronics, such as speakers, routers, and microwaves, to prevent interference.
  • Keep your Echo Show clean on a regular basis to avoid dust and debris clogging the vents and producing overheating. Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning, and avoid using water or cleaning solutions.
  • Your Echo Show may overheat and shut off if you attempt to use it for too many things at once. Close unnecessary tasks when they’re not in use.
  • When placing your Echo Show, try to keep it away from any potential sources of interference, such as microwaves, cordless phones, and baby monitors.
  • Restart your Echo Show frequently to help it function more effectively by removing the temporary cache. To restart, unplug the device, wait about 10 seconds, and then plug it back in.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Does resetting the Echo Show erase all my device settings?

Yes, a factory reset will erase all your device settings. However, Echo Show (2nd Generation) or Echo Show 10 allows you to reset to factory defaults without losing your smart home device connections.

Reset Your Echo Show by following these steps

Why does my Echo Show 5 keep rebooting?

This could be due to a software bug or a problem with the device’s settings. Some users have noticed that their Echo Show 5 reboots around once every hour. It’s recommended to try restarting your device or checking for any software updates.

What should I do if my Echo Show 5’s home screen keeps blinking?

This issue has been reported by several users. It’s suggested to turn off all options under Home Content, Adaptive Brightness & Auto Dim. If the issue persists, it could be a hardware problem and you might need to contact Amazon customer service.

What if my Echo Show goes to a black screen?

This is a known issue with some Echo Show devices. It’s recommended to try all the suggested changes in settings, and even do a factory reset and re-register. If the problem still exists, it’s best to contact Amazon customer service.

How can I update the software on my Echo Show?

You can check for software updates in the device settings. If an update is available, your Echo Show should download and install it automatically when connected to the internet.


In summary, while the Echo Show is a wonderful gadget, it’s not without its bugs. The issue of the device turning off unexpectedly can be frustrating, but as we’ve explored in this article, there are several potential solutions to try. Whether it’s a software update, a change in settings, or a factory reset, there’s likely a solution that will work for you. If all else fails, Amazon’s customer service is always there to help. Remember, every problem has a solution, and with a little patience, your Echo Show will be back to functioning optimally in no time.

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